Test Your English Here (20)

1. Don't bother me. I........TV.
a. watch
b. watched
c. am watching
2. He is.............shoes with shoecream.
a. brushing
b. polishing
3. This is the. .........tree I have ever seen in my life. 
a, tallest
b. biggest
c. largest
d. highest
4. I play games on ____________ computer in the evenings.
a. you
b. hers
c. my
5. The train......before I reached the station. 
a. left
b. had left

Test Your English Here (19)

1. Wait here ........ I come.
a. until
b. whether
c. if
d. up to now
2. Hunny is very fond......me. 
a .by
b .of
c. for
d. with
3. I saw her.......the road.
a. cross
b. to cross
c. crossing
4. Are you sure the tree is not....... ?
a. dead
b. dying
c. die
5. Y
ou have to work hard to make your life better,(happy) and ( healthy).
a .happiness/healthiness
b. happier/healthier 
c. happiest/healthiest

Test Your English Here (18)

1. Something is........than nothing.
a. good 
b. better
c. best
2. This exercise was written by me............ a ball pain
a. with
b. in
c. at 
d. from
3. ...... land must be put to seed.
a. the
b. a
c. an
4. Don't hate ........ poor.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. none
5. He is the friend ........ I trust most.
a. who
b. whom
c. which
d. him

Test Your English Here (17)

1. That is the..... beautiful house my town
a.  must
b.  best
c.  most
2. If it.......tomorrow, I shall not go to college.
a. will rain
b. rains
3. I have a host of friends ...in America. 
a. live
b.  are 
c.  living
4. Travelling to India. ......a train like this one is very comfortable. 
a . on
b . by
c.  in
5. It's more than 20 years ............... I travelled abroad.
a.  while
b.  before
c.  when 
d.  since

Test Your English Here (16)

1. Don't make a noise while your father -
a. is being sleeping
b. is sleeping
c. has slept
2. Don't be poor......spirit.
a. in
b. to
c. by
d. with
Tom is a ____________ football player than Peter.
a. bad
b. worse
c. worst
He is too jealous __ his wife
a. to
b. by
c. for
d. as
5. The husband and wife are squabbling with ....
a. with one another
b. together 
c. each other

Test your English Here (15)

1. The colors of the rainbow _______ beautiful.
a. is
b. are
c. have
d. has
2. It's......did the work.
a. we
b. us
c. our
3. Everybody went to school,......?
 a. didn't they
 b. did he
 c. did they
4. He is popular.....all for his goodness.
a. with
b. at
c. for
5. My mother is everything for me because she had been taking care of me since......
a. child
b. children
c. childhood
d. childish

Test Your English Here (14)

1. Drinking and driving......accidents.
a. cause
b. causes
2. An aeroplane flies ..............the sky
a. 0n
b. in
3. She ______ the door and saw me standing there .
a. open
b. opened
c. opening
4. Be true .....your word.
a .at
b. upon
c. to
d. for
5. He was caught while trying to ...............the embassy on fire .
a. set
b. put
c. burn

Test Your English Here (13)

1. The baby is learning to walk...
a. by and by
b. gradually
2. I am senior to....
a. he
b. him
3. I'm waiting here while my room .......
a. have cleaned
b. is being cleaned
c. cleaned
4. A drowning man . . ...... at a straw.
 a. catches
 b. caught
 c. catch
5. I feel like............tea
a. take
b. taking
c. took

Test your English Here (12)

1. I miss your smile and you always keep....... when we are happy and suffering.
a. smile
b. to smile
c. smiling
2. You are proud of...... a Mouslim.
a. be
b. to be
c. being
3. He.................driving through the crowded streets of Cairo .
a. used to
b. is used to
c. would
4. Respect your parents and treat them well....... they are old later.
a. when
b. while
c. during
5. Bali is famous .... its beauty and culture.
a. for
b. in
c. with
d. of

Test Your English here (11)

1. If you want to marry a girl of good character, you have to be a man of good character....................
a. too
b. to
c. ago
2. The man __ came here is my uncle.
a. which
b, who
c. whose
3. Mother, please give me -----------------money.
a. any
b. some
c. the
d. a
4. Hasan worked at that company ___ ten years before he retired.
a. after
b. for
c. since
5. That's the. Boy __ bag was stolen
a. whom
b. whose
c. who

Test Your English Here (10)

1......is someone who decide cases at court
a. proscuitor
b. lawyer
c. judge
2. Student's life is the ......time to sow seeds for our future.
 a. good
 b. right
 c. best
3. I have been studying............. many hours.
a: since
b: for
c: both
4. I like chicken....beef.
a. rather than
b. prefer to
c. better than
5. when he was young he.... Cross the river.
a. can 
b. could
c. may
d. shall

Test Your English (9)

1. When will do we perform the pilgrimage....... people are doing it in this place.
a. like
b. likely
c. unlike
d. dislike
2. He was angry..........me..
a. at
b. with
c. on
d. nothing
3. Education is ..... backbone of a nation.
a. a
b. an
c. the
4.No sooner had he reached the station..........the train left.

a. than
b. when
c. since
5. Take this flower and handle it with care because it is a.........of our love. 
a. symbol
b. signing
c. signature

Test Your English (8)

1. I look forward very much to ...a response from u.
a. receive
b. get
c. receiving
2. What's the noun of the word Waste?
a. wasting
b. wasteful
c. wastage
3. That is the old man _______ i helped over the bridge.
a. which
b. who
c. whom
4. ...... I opened my eyes,I saw a strange sight.
a. When
b. As
c. Both
5. Would you mind ______?
a  to open the door 
b. opened the door
c. opens the door
d. opening the door

Test Your English Here (7)

1. Where there is a _________ ,there is a way.
a. wish
b. try
c. will
d. hardwork
2. Those who fight to protect the country were known as .....
a.  polices
b.  lawyers
c.  soldiers
d.  immagration
3. We are searching..........the missing files.
a.  for
b.  to
c.  with
d.  on
4. She sat ---- her mother.a
a. besides
b. beside
5. If you want to find a kind girl. You have to be a kind boy, ......
a. too
b. earlier
c. before

Test Your English Here (6)

1. Someone does'nt know what..... tomorrow.
a. happen
b. happened
c. will happen
d. have happened
2. I looking forward to meeting you in this place as it......
a. use to
b. used to
c. using to
3. Jibon is one of the ----- boy in the village.
a. good
b. best
c. better
4. Look ! they........a game happily.
a. play
b. playing
c. are playing
d. have played
5. The hen...................an egg .
a. laid
b. lay
c. lied

Test Your English Here (5)

1. I watched many beautiful things ....to Dhaka. 
a. when I went
b .while I went
c. when going
d. while going
2. The hen...................an egg .
a. laid
b. lay
c. lied
3. Help them with what we are.......
a. able to
b. capable to
c. afford to
4. Look ! they........a game happily.
a. play
b. playing
c. are playing
d. have played
5. Jibon is one of the ----- boy in the village.
a. good
b. best
c. better

Test Your English Here (4)

1. Goods supply into country is known as ......
a. exporting
b. inporting
c. ambition
2. She cried .......... the movie.
a. during 
b. while
3. He killed the spider.... stone.
a. by
b. with
4. My father lavished a great care...me. 
a. at
b. about
c. on
d. over
5. My heart melted .....pity. 
c. in

Test Your English Here (3)

1. The best way to ....... much money is keeping working.
a. produce
b. make
c. get
d. find
2. The bus arrived ........ the end.
a. at
b. in
c. to
..... a king i would help the poor.
a. will
b. were
c. am
4. A rabbit and a cat....playing in my garden.
a. is
b. are
5. He is.....honorable man.
 a. a
 b. an
 c. the

Test Your English Here (2)

1. Either the mother or the children.....in the garden.
a. is
b. are
2. ........ must be done wherever we are.
a. Prayer
b. Praying
3. The teacher is teaching.....in the classroom.
a. English 
b. the English 
c. English language
d. the English language
4. English is...........as official language all over the world.
5. Travelling to India. ......a train like this one is very comfortable. 
A . on
B . by
C. in