Paragraph writing

                A group letters is a word. A group of words (having complete sense,) is sentence. A group of sentence (supporting one idea) is a paragraph. Paragraph writing is nothing but solid evidence. Paragraph writing is a art. Like other arts, it can also be learnt and mastered by learning some principels and acting upon them. You will have here the most important techniques and principles for writing paragraphs and later essays. There are four steps for writing an effective paragraph.
(1)           Make a point.
(2)           Back up your point.
(3)           Organise the support.
(4)           Sentence skills.
Let us now look at each of above mentioned steps one by one.
STEP ONE: Make a point.
it is advisable to state your point in very first sentence. the point, or idea, of a paragraph is called a topic sentence. whole the paragraph relates to topic sentence. make sure all the details are directly relevant to topic sentence? if you add irrelevant details your paragraph is going to be weaker, and weak paragraph does not capture the attention of the reader. If you fail to catch your reader’s heed, he/she will not read your paragraph with interest and finally he/she may put it a side. In paragraph, first and last places are very important. Induce your reader in first sentence to read more and have interest so that he/she likes your writing skills.
Understanding a topic sentence.
An effective topic sentence does two things. First, it provides the topic of a paragraph. Second, it demonstrates the writer’s point of you/idea/opinoin about the topic. For instance, look at the following sentences:
(a) Karachi is the biggest city of pakistan.
(b) Pakistan will eliminate terrorism very soon.
(c) Quaid e azam was a great leader of muslims of sub-continent.
(d) Punjab library is the largest one in pakistan.
(c) C.S.S is the only way for the poor to get job in pakistan.
Did you notice anything in above sentences? What did you notice? Do you think these are only sentences?
Above mentioned sentences are five different  topics and their topic sentences. Look at sentence (a) “karachi is the biggest city of pakistan.” So in this sentence “karachi” is a topic and “is the biggest city of pakistan” is a writer’s idea about topic. Similarly, (b), (c, (d)) and (e).
NOTE: your topic is a genral idea. Supporting idea is specific one. This will be described below.
STEP TWO: back up your point.
You have made a point and provided an effective topic sentence. now it is time for supporting the point you have made. To support your point you may provide specific reasons, examples, experince etc. Your supporting details should be concise so that your reader can understand it throughly. The more brief and specific your supporting details are, the better your reader can make picture of your paragraph in his/her mind.
Understanding general versus specific ideas
paragraph has main idea, which is general idea and the details which support the general idea(topic) are specific ones. To write an effective and impressive paragraph, you should understand the general and specific ideas.
Do you know that you use general and specific ideas on daily basis? Yes, you do, but you do not know about them. For example: you may say that “apple is good for health” and after that you go on telling benefits of apple. So in this example “apple is good for health” is general idea(topic sentence) and the “benefits” which you provide are the specific details and strong evidence about topic. Another example: “dog is faithful animal” this is general idea. You support it with specific details those will be specific one because they are giving evidence that dog is faithful, and  i am not randomly saying it without any proof.
Selecting details that support
the details in your paragraph clearly relate to and support your topic sentence. if details are irrelevant, your paragraph is going to lose unity. If unity is lost, nothing is in paragraph. For example: if your topic is, “economy of pakistan is going down day by day” so in this topic you should discuss only the reasons of going down of economy with examples, experience, some study etc. You should not discuss political aspect of pakistan because topic is economy not politics. If you mix relevant and irrelevant details in your paragraph your paragraph will not be read by anyone.
Omitting and grouping detail in planning a paragraph
There are three steps for this task.
(1) make a list of details of your point.
(2) omit irrelevant material from your list.
(3) group the details which is remaining detail in a logical way.
 By doing so you will master that what relevant and irrelevant details are. You will catch the secret of effective and successful writing.
There are two common ways of organising the support in a paragraph, listing order and time order. you are supposed to learn and understand them. You should also learn signal words (transitional words), which increases effectiveness of a paragraph.
                Transitions are words or phrases which show relationships among ideas. They are like singposts which are installed on roads to show the direction to the travellers. The signposts are installed to facilitate travellers to tell them where to move now. Transitions are like a bridges which connect two roads. As bridges connect two road so is the job of trasitions. They connect two thoughts and direct the reader that writer is connecting another reason with the first or writer is introducing another idea to support the topic. You must use transitional words. They will help you organise and connect new idea, and they will help your readers follow the direction of your thoughts.
Listing order
A writer gives a list of some particular reasons, examples, or details. The most important are set first and the last because first words arouses the interest of the reader and the last satisfies him, and last words will be long-lasting in readers’ minds.
Use transitions before you introduce any new idea. Here are some transitions for you to use:
First of all                               second                                   also                         another                  for one thing                                         last of all                                in addition                             moreover              furthermore         finally
Time order
Use time order to arrange your supporting ideas in a way they occured or arrange them in a chronological order, for example: 1,2,3,4,5 should be time order. first this happened then this after that this finally etc. This method is mainly followed in narration or direction.
Use transitions wherever they are required.
STEP FOUR: write clear, error-free sentences
Use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation marks. If you use all of them correctly, your sentences will be clear and well-written. If you have any problem in these things, it does not matter. Keep a better handbook of english grammar and also keep a authentic dictionary nearby when you are writing. Even senior writers sometimes need a dictionary and handbook while they are writing.