Whatis the differencebetweentense and
- Tense: classifies verbs as:
- presenttense
- or pasttense
- Time: classifies situations described by verbs according to whethertheyoccuratsome time:
- in the past,
- in the present
- or in the future
Usually, the linkbetweentense and time
isvery simple:
- present tense for present or future time
I like today'sweather.
(The 'liking' is a situation in present time, and the verb like is in the presenttense.)
I leave tomorrow.
(The leavingis in future time and the verb leave is in the presenttense.)
- pasttense for past time
I liked yesterday'sweather.
(The 'liking' is a situation in past time, and the verb likedis in the pasttense.)
But sometimesaverb in one tensedescribes a
situation in a different time:
If I died tomorrow, I would miss
your party.
(The dyingis in an imaginary future time, and the verb died is in the pasttense.)